Falling Back in Love with Film

In summer 2023, I rediscovered my love of film. I used to take film photos with my mom’s Minolta camera in high school: of my sisters jumping on the trampoline, the reflection of trees in a creek, horses in a pasture. Or, on and off, I’d go through periods of using disposables or lomography cameras. Inspired by artists at Salmon Creek Farm capturing the beauty around us on film, I wanted to start taking photos again, but searching online for a film camera proved to be challenging. I then remembered that I had bought a used Olympus mju-1 in 2011 at a flea market in Florence! I had never used it and had no idea if it worked, but I tested it with some expired Portra 800 and miraculously, it worked! Now my film camera is a staple with me on my travels as well as for capturing everyday moments at home. Here are some favorites from my first test roll, making a visit to the local park feel that much more special.


Lunar New Year 2025


My 10th Artist Residency: 5 Weeks at Anderson Ranch