August Full Moon Supermoon
Hi there,
Happy Full Moon! It’s the last full moon of the summer as well as the fourth and final supermoon of the year. [Supermoons of 2022: May, June, July, August: 4 in a row!] A supermoon appears typically around 7 percent larger and 15 percent brighter than a regular full moon. The supermoon occurs when the moon is at its closest point to Earth along its ellipical, oval shaped orbital path. We get the chance to see the moon glowing larger in the sky during a supermoon.
As the summer season reaches peak maturity, we begin to see the warm glow of sunlight gradually set earlier, a fullness in plants and gardens, and an energy growing in our hearts, calling us to enjoy the joys of the last days of summer.
Enjoy each moment, outside, with loved ones, or the simple pleasures of your day. Vacation allows for joy and wholeness in our hearts, time with loved ones, and rejuvenation of mind and body. I took my first few weeks off since 2019, setting time aside to refresh by exploring new cities and immersing myself in new cultures.
My heart is filled with gratitude for my time laughing and adventuring with loved ones.
I hope that you have an opportunity, no matter how small, to play and awaken your inner child.
You can join me on the mat to tap into joy and play through embodied movement.
With love,